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      放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2010-05-13
      核心提示:The Most Probable Number Method  In the following example, a set of 3 tubes of an all purpose broth medium is inocu

      The Most Probable Number Method

        In the following example, a set of 3 tubes of an all purpose broth medium is inoculated from each of the ten-fold dilutions, with each tube being inoculated with one ml.


        After incubation, the number of tubes showing growth is recorded. As the succeeding dilutions were made, the organisms were diluted to such an extent that none were in the inocula of seven of the tubes (marked negative). In order to estimate the number of organisms per ml of the sample which would cause this kind of growth response, we locate the three sets of tubes which show dilution of the organisms "to extinction" – i.e., those tubes which were inoculated from the 10–2, 10–3 and 10–4 dilutions.

                       附 錄


      陽 性 管 數    ┃    ┃   陽 性 管 數  ┃
      ━━━━━━━━━┫ MPN  ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ MPN
      0.1 0.01 0.001  ┃   。 0.1 0.01 0.001  ┃
       0  0  0    ┃ <3  ┃  2  0  0    ┃ 9.1
       0  0  1    ┃  3  ┃  2  0  1    ┃ 14
       0  0  2    ┃  6  ┃  2  0  2    ┃ 20
       0  0  3    ┃  9  ┃  2  0  3    ┃ 26
       0  1  0    ┃  3  ┃  2  1  0    ┃ 15
       0  1  1    ┃  6.1 ┃  2  1  1    ┃ 20
       0  1  2    ┃  9.2 ┃  2  1  2    ┃ 27
       0  1  3    ┃  12 ┃  2  1  3    ┃ 34
       0  2  0    ┃  6.2 ┃  2  2  0    ┃ 21
       0  2  1    ┃  9.3 ┃  2  2  1    ┃ 28
       0  2  2    ┃  12 ┃  2  2  2    ┃ 35
       0  2  3    ┃  16 ┃  2  2  3    ┃ 42
       0  3  0    ┃  9.4 ┃  2  3  0    ┃ 29
       0  3  1    ┃  13 ┃  2  3  1    ┃ 36
       0  3  2    ┃  16 ┃  2  3  2    ┃ 44
       0  3  3    ┃  19 ┃  2  3  3    ┃ 53
       1  0  0    ┃  3.6 ┃  3  0  0     ┃ 23
       1  0  1    ┃  7.2 ┃  3  0  1    ┃ 39
       1  0  2    ┃  11 ┃  3  0  2    ┃ 64
       1  0  3    ┃  15 ┃  3  0  3    ┃ 95
       1  1  0    ┃  7.3 ┃  3  1  0    ┃ 43
       1  1  1    ┃  11 ┃  3  1  1    ┃ 75
       1  1  2    ┃  15 ┃  3  1  2    ┃ 120
       1  1  3    ┃  19 ┃  3  1  3    ┃ 160
       1  2  0    ┃  11 ┃  3  2  0    ┃ 93
       1  2  1    ┃  15 ┃  3  2  1    ┃ 150
       1  2  2    ┃  20 ┃  3  2  2    ┃ 210
       1  2  3    ┃  24 ┃  3  2  3    ┃ 290
       1  3  0    ┃  16 ┃  3  3  0    ┃ 240
       1  3  1    ┃  20 ┃  3  3  1    ┃ 460
       1  3  2    ┃  24 ┃  3  3  2    ┃ 1100
       1  3  3    ┃  29 ┃  3  3  3    ┃>1100


      關鍵詞: MPN
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